
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Peggy Beaudette is born

Rehearsals for The Lutz Radio Hour are begining to come together. I have created the characer of Peggy Beaudette for the project. "Peggy" is my favorite role form The Women, and "Beaudette" is my grandmother's maiden name. Peggy will be grounded in the reality of the play as an actress performing several rolse in the radio performance: Tammy Tap-Shoes, Cousin Effie, Peeler the Elf, Bobbysoxer, etc. I am still developing Peggy as a character, but thus far I find her to be a beautiful perfectionist trying to cope with the pressure of impressing the unknown producers in the audience. She doesn't maintain any relationships outside the walls of the studio, and knows that losing her place in the radio show will leave her lonely and longing for the companionship of her fellow radio performers. I find Peggy constantly evolving as I negociate her through the framework of the play. This is a very exciting time in the process and I look forward to continuing rehearsals this week with our director, the talented Andrew Vonderschmitt, leading the way!

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