
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Uncle Eddie!

Today is Edward II 726th birthday! Happy birthday Sire! (Or as I tenderly like to refer to him - Happy birthday Uncle Eddie!) Since I am currently working on Marlowe's crowning achievement, his play The Troublesome Reign and Lamentable Death of Edward the Second, King of England, with the Tragical Fall of Proud Mortimer, I thought it appropriate to celebrate this important day in history. I will be returning to rehearsal on Monday, after a much needed rest, to revisit my role as Margaret (Edward's niece) and the Messenger. I am also excited to say that the Marlowe Society has taken notice of our production, and publicized it in their Theatre Events Blog. I spent some time researching Edward today and discovered a fun and informative blog dedicated to him: Edward II. Enjoy!


  1. Thank you for linking to my Edward II blog, Jamie! Glad you like it. How great that you're playing Margaret!

  2. Wow! My first comment. I am loving you more and more :)

    I truly enjoy your blog and the plethora of information you so generously provide. I could spend hundreds of hours reading about Edward II. Thank you for spreading your knowledge.
