
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July – Bard Style!

What if Shake-Speare had written the Declaration of Indepedence?

In honor of our nation’s most patriotic holiday – here is a Declaration of Independence in the style of the Bard…

Courtesy of SP Hendrick and The Redlands Shakespeare Festival.

Now is the Summer of our Discontent
Expressed by multitudes of men whose pleas
For fair and proper governaunce are rent
By Soverign King, unheeded, as a breeze
Might go unnoticed. Now forlorn, we cry…
For Freedom from that puffed, indiffererent Crown
Which hath despoiled our patience with the lie
That God hath righteously on him bestown
All that we are and have for his sole right
To take and plunder and to sieze at will
So for our Liberty we choose to fight
Against this tyrant whom we wish no ill
But let him now take heed. Let it be said:
Uneasy lies the Crown upon his head.

May all your fireworks exist in the sky…..

Or a great kiss!!

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