
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Raised in Captivity Opening!

Raised in Captivity has been and continues to be one of the most challenging projects I have ever been a part of for many reasons. First, the playwright delves into serious subject matters with demanding language. Second, the range of emotions is startling. My character is a completely different person by the end of the play. On opening night, I was frankly afraid of taking the audience on this tumultuous journey. I try to practice my craft with a little fear as possible, but this experience required the element of fear and in the same breath demanded bravery. I am so proud of this show and the entire cast for their courageous performances this weekend. Here are just a few things the critics are saying:
"I admire the fearlessness of Silver’s plotting –his willingness to take the characters and the audience way, way out of their comfort zones.... All of the actors are superb.  Each of them have tough roles to play, and they rise to the occasion."

–The Orange Curtain Review (read the full article here)

"...Millis and company take moments to focus on the halting attempts at honesty and intimacy these insular, incredibly fucked-up people are yearning for. That gives this very dark and, at times, uncomfortable play moments of deep poignancy, and it makes the play's final image between two hopelessly flawed individuals resonate."

–OC Weekly (read the full article here)

"If the ideal “Captivity” cast exists, Millis has certainly created it."

–The Orange County Register (read the full article here)

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