
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Killjoy Gets a Bump on the Head

Killjoy’s final dress rehearsal before preview night – Just when it looked like we were back in the swing of things, our lovely and talented leading lady, Andrea LaVela, took a tumble during the blackout prior to Act 1 scene 2.

A terrible thud was heard in the darkness, and I turned around in the black to see the shadow of Andrea on the floor.

Apparently she walked up stage to retrieve a prop and tripped on the step to the upstage platform.

“What’s happened? Is everyone alright?” I heard the director call from the house. “We need lights up!” I called. With an empty house I had decided that in this case the show didn’t have to go on.

Poor Andrea knocked her head really good. It started swelling before we could get ice on her head. We kept her away from a mirror for a good 20 minutes. But once she insisted on looking there was not stopping her. “Ah! I looked like the elephant man!” she shouted.

It looked bad enough that we all urged her to go to urgent care, but the tough as nails Ms. LaVela would have none of our fussing. She finished the run sitting in our prop wheelchair with a bag of frozen spinach on her head.

Our invited dress (preview) is tomorrow night, and we open Thursday. Let’s hope the cliché, a bad dress rehearsal means a good show, holds true. We can’t afford any more injuries.

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